
Number 02 / 2023, Volume X (LXXIV), Issue 2

A Romanian Example of Compensation for Non-material Damages Caused by a Violation of the Right of Access Provided by the General Data Protection Regulation - Silviu-Dorin Şchiopu
The Importance of a Governance Programme in the Exercise of Governance - Cătălina Szekely
Inclusion in Higher Education: Values and Measures - Alina Mărgărițoiu
The Professional Partnership Between School Counsellor-Parent-Educator(Teacher) as an Active Learning Partnership in Parent Counselling - Corina Iurea
Teachers’ Behaviours in Pre-University School Organization - Simona Eftimie
Social Support for Students with Visual Disabilities in University - Alina Mărgărițoiu, Simona Eftimie
The Degree of Teacher's Involvement in the Process of Early Inclusive Education - Carmen Raluca Bănică
Fidelity and Integrity in the Relationship between Employee and Employer - Dana Volosevici, Dragoș Grigorescu
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