Electronic contributions are welcome, as Word document files. Please do not submit articles in pdf format. Please anonymise your file as all papers are read, both internally and externally, in an anonymised format. Submission to the Jus et Civitas is taken as a continuing representation that the article is not under consideration by any other journal. Papers in excess of 12,000 words, inclusive of footnotes, will not be considered for publication, nor will papers already under consideration elsewhere.
The document containing the paper (*.doc or * docx) shall bear the name of the sole author or of the author appointed as representative. Please use Microsoft Word for Windows or any comparable, compatible office software to produce your document, which should be A4 (210x297 mm) formatted, setting all margins (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) at 30 mm.
The text, formatted in Times New Roman and single-spaced, will include the following parts:
Title: TNR 18 Bold, Centered, 36 pts before and 18 pts after;
Surname(s) and Name(s) of the author(s): TNR 14 Normal Centered
The institutions’ name, addresses and the author’s e-mail should be inserted as TNR 10, Left.
Abstract: The abstract is preceded by the title, i.e the word Abstract typed after 30 pts. below the authors’ affiliation as TNR 14 Bold, Left. The Abstract contents should follow, as TNR 10 Italics, single line spacing.
Key words (TNR 11 pct. Bold) will include 3-5 words typed as TNR 10 Italics, 11 pts After.
The paper shall be of no less than 8 pages and no more than 16 pages (preferably even).
Headings (Level 1) shall be typed as TNR 14 Bold Left; first heading after 40 pts below key words, 11 pts After.
The text of the paper shall be typed as TNR 12, justified, single line spacing, 6 pts After each paragraph; After the last paragraph of a chapter and the Level 1 Heading of the next chapter there should be 20 pts left.
Subheadings (Level 2) – TNR 12.5 Bold, Left.
Subheadings (Level 3) 3 – TNR 11 Bold, Left (further details in the Figure).
Illustrations shall be made 140 x 140 mm, by means of computerized techniques and then integrated within the text. Each illustration shall be numbered consecutively as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc. (TNR 10 Bold) with caption TNR 10 normal. The source shall be mentioned below each illustration.
Tables inserted in the text shall be numbered consecutively and shall be accompanied by headings. The word Table and the number shall be placed above the table, TNR 10 Bold centered, followed by the heading TNR 10 normal. Table formatting shall be coherent for the paper as a whole. The source shall be mentioned below each table.
For referencing, please use footnotes, not endnotes. Superscript numbers in the text referring to footnotes come after any punctuation mark. Papers should also have a section titled „References‟ (word in TNR 14 Bold; references in TNR 11, with automatic numbering) at the end.
The authors have all the legal and moral responsibility for the content of the papers.